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Breaks in Real Life

Ninay Desai

Confession – I’m a fairly regular watcher of morning and evening routine videos on YouTube regardless of the qualifier or adjective du jour. Common trends include ‘that girl’, ‘realistic’, ‘productive’ or ‘relaxed’. Despite the differentiators, it’s usually the same. Not just the aesthetic of rooms painted white with lots of natural light, a few houseplants, coffee from Keurig or Nespresso coffee machines, colour-coordinated gym wear and skin care that would give Cleopatra an inferiority complex! The routines themselves are fairly basic and yet, I like watching them because they can be inspiring even in their artifice. To be fair, one can pick up a few good ideas like making a to-do list for the day (helps with productivity) or making your bed within the first ten minutes of waking up (checks the temptation to crawl back in). In fact, I learnt the recipe for my favourite chocolate banana oats smoothie from a morning routine video.

Rush Hour

Night routines are even more movie-like and mellow since they are geared toward winding down for the night. It’s so cosy you can practically smell the cookies baking in the oven. There are, of course, cliches galore – candles, cleaning up spaces before going to bed, cooking a healthy but still Instagram-worthy dinner, luxurious bubble baths followed by, you guessed it, skin care! Somewhere in the mix is also some peppermint tea in a cutesy mug.

You might wonder why I watch them if I find them so predictable. Well, because even what is formulaic can be enjoyable and relaxing. Just think of your favourite comfort food. Never fails to hit the spot, does it? While I do allow myself a chuckle or two at how all YouTubers seem to have the pretty much the same taste, I do enjoy seeing how most of the humdrum tasks that all of us perform during our days can be made more enjoyable. Also, I like the element of self-care that all these videos invariably serve up. Self-care can be anything from a walk in the park, to journaling or a sipping a drink sitting in your favourite chair. I’m not the kind of person who has an elaborate daily routine but I see the value in taking some time every day to take a break and doing something I enjoy. When I was working, I would take this break sometime in the middle of my office hours.

Coffee Break
Nothing beats a coffee in my book!

Working in the television news business, my shifts could change almost daily. Fortunately, I would have an hour’s break after a few hours of working and in one of those breaks I would walk down to a coffee shop half a mile from my office. Sometimes, I'd go with a colleague or friend but most of the time, it was just me and a book. I would order my usual frappe and a sandwich if I was hungry, sink into a couch and read for about half an hour before I walked back to the office. This break, spent in the world of a fictional character, afforded me some quiet time away from the shrill of breaking news and the general sense of rushing about that permeates newsrooms. Stepping away from my work environment helped me recharge and come back refreshed.

I understand that most people don’t have the luxury of such long breaks (in fact, even a lunch break can sometimes be considered a privilege) at their workplaces but the point I’m making is about how essential it is to step away from your desk or work station or even housework to indulge in an activity that relaxes and rejuvenates you, even if it is only for a few minutes. So if you can, take a walk while you listen to a song you like, read a few pages of a book, do the crossword or a sudoku, chat with a friend or just sit in a quiet corner and breathe. Life can be mundane yet hectic but a change of pace can make a difference.


Dilip Desai
Dilip Desai
Aug 28, 2024

Absolutely true.

The need for taking breaks applies even when one is not engaged in what constitutes work. As one who is neither employed or employable, I find that moving away from what one is doing to just saunter around, or do something else for a while, refreshes the mind.

Ninay Desai
Ninay Desai
Aug 29, 2024
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100%. A change can be as good as a rest.


Sep 03, 2023

How beautifully you have shared your confession and thoughts on morning and evening routine videos. It's interesting how the aesthetics and routines can be inspiring even in their artifice. It just goes to show how we can find valuable nuggets of wisdom in unexpected places! 😄🌟 You're an exceptionally talented writer, my friend!

Ninay Desai
Ninay Desai
Sep 04, 2023
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Thank you so much!


May 06, 2023

Lucid writing. 👌👌

Ninay Desai
Ninay Desai
May 06, 2023
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Thank you.


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